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Applications open for ANZ Community Foundation grants

Published on 8 March 2024

ANZ is now accepting applications for its Community Foundation program, inviting charities and philanthropic organisations around Australia to apply for grants up to $30,000.

The Community Foundation grants are designed to offer direct and tangible benefit to projects aimed at advancing financial wellbeing, housing, environmental sustainability and additional initiatives that help Australian communities to thrive.

Funding for the grants come from the donations of ANZ and its staff and in 2023, ANZ provided grants to 20 charitable organisations totalling $440,000 – the highest number of grants and funds distributed since the Community Foundation was established in 1988.

This year, grants will be given to organisations which help their communities in the following areas:

  • Financial wellbeing particularly for under-represented and disadvantaged people in the community, including initiatives that improve economic participation; build financial literacy and vocational skills; and provide access to meaningful work.
  • Environmental sustainability, through initiatives that restore and conserve the natural environment, or which contribute to water stewardship, lower carbon emissions and waste minimisation.
  • Housing access, through initiatives and programs that support those who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness, or that provide support for people living with disability.
  • Other community projects that assist local communities to thrive.

Chair of the ANZ Community Foundation, Christine Linden said: “The ANZ Community Foundation continues to forge partnerships with inspiring community organisations, whose dedication and tireless efforts resonate deeply with our core values.”

“Last year marked a significant milestone, as were able to increase both the number of grants awarded and the total funds distributed. We look forward to helping more charities who are focused on empowering communities, while making a lasting difference in the lives of many,” she said.

The Community Foundation is funded by ANZ and its employees, with every dollar contributed through the Workplace Giving program matched by the bank with an additional two dollars.

Applications are open from 8 March until 5pm AEST on 5 April 2024.

To find out more or to make an application please visit Equity Trustees.

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For media enquiries contact

Will Watson

+61 403 878 269

Applications open for ANZ Community Foundation grants

