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Media Release

ANZ expands Return to Work program in third year

Published on 3 March 2023

ANZ today announced more than 70 new employment opportunities as part of its Return to Work program in 2023, expanding from just careers in technology to now also include more traditional banking roles.

Initially launched in 2019, the program is designed to support people who have taken a career break, or have been significantly underemployed, to transition back into the workforce.

ANZ General Manager Business Banking, Jenefer Stewart said: “We know that diversity in the workforce leads to better business outcomes and the Return to Work program is a great way for us to attract talent from different backgrounds and skill sets.

“Since its inception this program has been a proven success with a retention rate of 80 per cent among previous participants. It is wonderful to see the opportunities extended across the bank in 2023 with additional roles,” Ms Stewart said.

Recent ANZ research shows female participation in the workforce has increased significantly since the beginning of the pandemic, particularly for single and partnered women with children, as flexible working options have become more mainstream.

Change in participation rates since the pandemic: by gender and relationship in household


Source: ABS, ANZ Research

ANZ Senior Economist, Catherine Birch said: “Women with caring commitments have disproportionately benefited from the shift to flexible working arrangements as these can reduce barriers to their participation in the workforce.”

Initiatives such as ANZ’s Return to Work assist this transition by putting flexibility at the forefront. The program supports those returning to the workforce with learning and mentoring opportunities, and flexible work options.

The roles are being offered across various locations including Australia, India, New Zealand and for the first time, the Philippines.

Applications for ANZ’s Return to Work program open on Wednesday 8 March and are open to anyone with relevant previous experience who has taken a career break or has been significantly underemployed for two years or more.

The program offers participants a support structure and learning and development framework to ease the transition back to working life. This framework includes:

  • Facilitated induction programs over a two-week period
  • Ongoing learning and development opportunities
  • A support network comprised of current and previous cohort members, mentors and peers
  • Opportunities to learn and/or refresh relevant skills

For more information and for applications visit ANZ Return to Work

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For media enquiries contact

Claudia Filer

+61 401 777 324

ANZ expands Return to Work program in third year
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